Carbon neutral shipping

Expédition à bilan carbone neutre - A.bsolument - Enceintes design et haute fidélité

Absolutely gets more involved.

We have opted for carbon neutral shipping for all your orders, in partnership with Shopify, our purchasing platform.

Every shipment of products to our customers often results in carbon emissions contributing to climate change. Now these emissions will be neutralized by paying funds to companies specializing in carbon capture to remove an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.
By offering carbon neutral shipping, we can reduce the environmental impact of your deliveries.

Discover the companies that benefit from this financial support:
Grassroots Carbon . Mast Reforestation . Climeworks . Heirloom . Remora . Running Tide

In order to be consistent with our values, we aspire to play an active role in reducing our carbon footprint.

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