PRODIGE awarded at the Red Dot Design Award 2023.

PRODIGE primée au Red Dot Design Award 2023. - A.bsolument - Enceintes design et haute fidélité

The design world is in turmoil! The PRODIGE product has just been elected “Design Product 2023” by the Red Dot Design Award, the most prestigious design label in the world. This award highlights the excellence of the team of talented designers who worked on this exceptional product.

THE Red Dot Design Award is a prestigious award that has been awarded for over 60 years to products that stand out for their design excellence. Each year, tens of thousands of applications are submitted to the jury made up of renowned designers, specialist journalists and marketing experts.

Our PRODIGE speaker was evaluated based on several criteria, including innovation, functionality, design quality, sustainability and ecological compatibility. It was selected from thousands of products submitted for jury review and declared the winner in the category “Product Design 2023” .

For the PRODIGE design team, this recognition is a real boost. Their hard work has been recognized by the world's top design experts, giving us great motivation to continue creating exceptional products.

As a consumer, this award gives you the guarantee that the French PRODIGE speaker is of the highest quality in design, innovation and functionality.

For Absolutely , this reward can open big doors. Indeed, companies that win the Red Dot Design Award are often approached by distributors and business partners who are looking to work with innovative and forward-thinking companies. In addition, it allows the company to stand out from the competition by highlighting its ability to create innovative and high-quality products.

Ultimately, PRODIGE is a perfect example of the importance of design in creating exceptional products. With this award, A.absolument has proven that innovation and quality design can make the difference between an ordinary product and an exceptional product.

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